Market Updates


Sales - Central London Market Review - October 2023

Nov 1, 2023

Last 3 months vs same period last year:  New Buyers +89%. Viewings +158%. Offer Numbers +49%. £ / SQ FT -3.4%. The Rise of “Turnkey” Last month, we...

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Lettings - Central London Market Review - September 2023

Oct 11, 2023

Last 3 months vs same period last year. Tenant Enquiry +17%. Viewings +120%. Offer Numbers +21%. £/SQ+8.8%.  Supply Supply Supply. The rental market remains highly...

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The Opinion by Charles Curran, Managing Director - September 2023

Oct 11, 2023

Are closer ties with Europe the key? The spectre of a general election looms as our two main political parties begin testing policies at their respective Conferences over the next few weeks....

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